Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thank you bjcorp for the dividend.
RM20. Even just small amount,but for long time i can make good money too.
For the year the total passive income from investment i get Rm53.30[even i use alredi]..even just small but i believe next year i can do better. Wait for his price go up back to RM1.0++ then sell ...:) too risky to having it now since the report show it earning drop so much .
RM20. Even just small amount,but for long time i can make good money too.
For the year the total passive income from investment i get Rm53.30[even i use alredi]..even just small but i believe next year i can do better. Wait for his price go up back to RM1.0++ then sell ...:) too risky to having it now since the report show it earning drop so much .
Thursday, December 27, 2012
I think my mind got some error. I was actually sign up for Celebrity Fitness for 1 year contract[month playment Rm199]. In fact,i keep telling my friend i don't sign up for any mobile package because expensive[monthly Rm68]. now???!!~ lol.~~
If the money i use for my investment maybe better? XDD but anyway..i had paid and i had sign up,if i want terminate the contact, i consider breach the contract and need give Rm400 as penalty. so i will keep my mood on gym. At least i got some place to go when i boring ,right?
Well..today is my first time gym with a coach beside me teach me and guide me.[i get 3 free session guide by coach]. I feel those guy really strong,because i too weak..firstly we do the chest 1...seriously pain and i got no more energy to push more ~~ OMG!!~ then we do the back,i think this the most easy 1 compare to other.
anyway..i need keep strong to build a better body la .:) the next session will be on Sunday,Hopefully i can do better be muscles boy. XD
If the money i use for my investment maybe better? XDD but anyway..i had paid and i had sign up,if i want terminate the contact, i consider breach the contract and need give Rm400 as penalty. so i will keep my mood on gym. At least i got some place to go when i boring ,right?
Well..today is my first time gym with a coach beside me teach me and guide me.[i get 3 free session guide by coach]. I feel those guy really strong,because i too weak..firstly we do the chest 1...seriously pain and i got no more energy to push more ~~ OMG!!~ then we do the back,i think this the most easy 1 compare to other.
anyway..i need keep strong to build a better body la .:) the next session will be on Sunday,Hopefully i can do better be muscles boy. XD
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
我爸爸他是自聘人士,为什么他都没时间给自己,别人做工你做工,别人休息他还在做? 自己脚都病,妈叫你去看医生,又讲没时间,我妈讲的对,自己做老板都没时间~要少少时间看医生都不能?? 见他酱努力的工作,可是钱去了哪里?每次派钱,没做理财~我妈也是在讲他喜欢把钱往外派,派给我拉,但是他就是不听~~ 大家都一样,固执~~~
道理可以讲,但是如果一直替讲,道理给不想听的人会变成歪理~ 对我而言是如此~
尤其是吃的那边~这边讲肥阿不要吃酱多,过后出外面吃又叫很多,问你要加饭没有。。。我顶!!~ 又说这个东西吃多没意,不健康拉~我又要顶,我爽就吃啦~外面其实什么食物都有很多防腐剂拉,不要吃啦,什么都不要吃啦~ 我很pekcek面对他~
还有就是很喜欢把我的东西讲给人家听,讲的都是批评,他妈的!!!~你难道不能给一句赞美的话?我试着想回以前你给我的赞美,原来都好象没有!!!~ 你知道这样的你会给我多大的伤害?虽然你的批评不是什么大事件,但是我长期听下去也会反感~~
大人永远以为自己的方式是对的!!~ 他妈的!!时代改变了!!! 我有我的方式~
我爸爸他是自聘人士,为什么他都没时间给自己,别人做工你做工,别人休息他还在做? 自己脚都病,妈叫你去看医生,又讲没时间,我妈讲的对,自己做老板都没时间~要少少时间看医生都不能?? 见他酱努力的工作,可是钱去了哪里?每次派钱,没做理财~我妈也是在讲他喜欢把钱往外派,派给我拉,但是他就是不听~~ 大家都一样,固执~~~
道理可以讲,但是如果一直替讲,道理给不想听的人会变成歪理~ 对我而言是如此~
尤其是吃的那边~这边讲肥阿不要吃酱多,过后出外面吃又叫很多,问你要加饭没有。。。我顶!!~ 又说这个东西吃多没意,不健康拉~我又要顶,我爽就吃啦~外面其实什么食物都有很多防腐剂拉,不要吃啦,什么都不要吃啦~ 我很pekcek面对他~
还有就是很喜欢把我的东西讲给人家听,讲的都是批评,他妈的!!!~你难道不能给一句赞美的话?我试着想回以前你给我的赞美,原来都好象没有!!!~ 你知道这样的你会给我多大的伤害?虽然你的批评不是什么大事件,但是我长期听下去也会反感~~
大人永远以为自己的方式是对的!!~ 他妈的!!时代改变了!!! 我有我的方式~
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
大家说大选要来了,要套利出来下,手持现金因为 cash is king ?? XDD
5109 Stareit 1.03 [在等股息,不知道几时可以得到,买它也是为了股息]
6947 Digi 4.53 [最精买进我最贵的一支,也是为了股息,看它之前都最少派4次,价小不要紧重要多派就好,希望可以得到它的股息,不懂几时派还是不懂我买少少的也可以由股息?因为我买的数量小小而已哦]
5120 Amfirst 1.06 [也是为股息,因为什么都不会,买进reit是最保障的投资;最近也得到我第一次的股息,数目不大但是好过没有咯]
3395 Bjcorp 0.595 [这个很pekcek,我还是买在贵价格,希望它可以下多多还是上到1就卖出,下到0.04+再进,虽然大家讲是那个老狐狸在搞鬼[听说以前他很贱把价压低低,害别人没办法要放了,过后自己在进,坏人坏人。最近也刚好看到这个人减持还是一个不懂什么的也减持,但是我要hold,我还是想要抱点希望因为我看到berjaya很多地方都有它的生意,面值1快钱的,被压倒这个价,不合理吧?希望可以透过这个给我番一番就好了]
6947 Jcy-cj 0.01 [第一次的投机失败,之前买过都没失败过,现在看几时有那堆人再来炒一炒给我50%卖出就好了]
5109 Stareit 1.03 [在等股息,不知道几时可以得到,买它也是为了股息]
6947 Digi 4.53 [最精买进我最贵的一支,也是为了股息,看它之前都最少派4次,价小不要紧重要多派就好,希望可以得到它的股息,不懂几时派还是不懂我买少少的也可以由股息?因为我买的数量小小而已哦]
5120 Amfirst 1.06 [也是为股息,因为什么都不会,买进reit是最保障的投资;最近也得到我第一次的股息,数目不大但是好过没有咯]
3395 Bjcorp 0.595 [这个很pekcek,我还是买在贵价格,希望它可以下多多还是上到1就卖出,下到0.04+再进,虽然大家讲是那个老狐狸在搞鬼[听说以前他很贱把价压低低,害别人没办法要放了,过后自己在进,坏人坏人。最近也刚好看到这个人减持还是一个不懂什么的也减持,但是我要hold,我还是想要抱点希望因为我看到berjaya很多地方都有它的生意,面值1快钱的,被压倒这个价,不合理吧?希望可以透过这个给我番一番就好了]
6947 Jcy-cj 0.01 [第一次的投机失败,之前买过都没失败过,现在看几时有那堆人再来炒一炒给我50%卖出就好了]
Thursday, December 13, 2012
AmFirst Reit租金
yeah yeah!!!~ Finally the time coming..even just small amount but i happy with it... :) gambatte!~
Thank you Amfirst
12-Dec-2012, 16:15:40 IBG CREDIT RM31.33
save $$ buy more buy more :)
searching for good potential dividend distribution shares . I love dividend.
Thank you Amfirst
12-Dec-2012, 16:15:40 IBG CREDIT RM31.33
save $$ buy more buy more :)
searching for good potential dividend distribution shares . I love dividend.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Finally sold my BJFOOD ~ aiksss ...a bit regret to sold it but still ok ,just a bit regret because when end market ,it close at 1.33 lol..[i sold at 1.320]
But nvm,i still earn back around 38% of the net. :)
Overall for what i had sold , i get more then 500 earn back.
Now currently what i still got in my hand~ -
So far i havent lost my $$ but still worry ~ because some1 tell me that learn before you fly else u die ~
you may happy with your current earn but my basic not good,is matter of time i gg.com `
worry worry~~~ some1 can teach me ? :)
i know you may can be my partner to teach me ??? lonely boy?? XD
But nvm,i still earn back around 38% of the net. :)
Overall for what i had sold , i get more then 500 earn back.
Now currently what i still got in my hand~ -
So far i havent lost my $$ but still worry ~ because some1 tell me that learn before you fly else u die ~
you may happy with your current earn but my basic not good,is matter of time i gg.com `
worry worry~~~ some1 can teach me ? :)
i know you may can be my partner to teach me ??? lonely boy?? XD
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Soon to be end of the year~
November ,what a busy and complicated month. facing lot different changing and suddenly i feel that i not really get use to it .~~ ;(
now i need to in charge for my company annual dinner lucky draw gift and performance on the night. i not really enjoy with the 'performance' thing which assign by them without approval of us. you think we so free a? ~ but no choice then just do it lo, but i not expect we can do well with the dance thing, because the people who join are those staff who work many many year and dance surely not the thing their will do after work or whatever ~ haix..~~ maybe we just do some joke instead of doing some dance.~~
Talk about my shares ~ yes !!~ finally i able to sold out my gamble mind shares which is those warranty. and 'easily' earn 50% profit from what i invest. i really glad after long wait ,finally get it back with some return. but i do encounter with some lost when the process of waiting,luckily i hold and hold and finally get back my initial money. to those who want invest,please be ready to lost $$ if you want try earn fast $$ with the gamble mind.
next talk about my future .....
maybe talk it at future .~~~~ lol !~
November ,what a busy and complicated month. facing lot different changing and suddenly i feel that i not really get use to it .~~ ;(
now i need to in charge for my company annual dinner lucky draw gift and performance on the night. i not really enjoy with the 'performance' thing which assign by them without approval of us. you think we so free a? ~ but no choice then just do it lo, but i not expect we can do well with the dance thing, because the people who join are those staff who work many many year and dance surely not the thing their will do after work or whatever ~ haix..~~ maybe we just do some joke instead of doing some dance.~~
Talk about my shares ~ yes !!~ finally i able to sold out my gamble mind shares which is those warranty. and 'easily' earn 50% profit from what i invest. i really glad after long wait ,finally get it back with some return. but i do encounter with some lost when the process of waiting,luckily i hold and hold and finally get back my initial money. to those who want invest,please be ready to lost $$ if you want try earn fast $$ with the gamble mind.
next talk about my future .....
maybe talk it at future .~~~~ lol !~
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Today i think i had been a little bit reckless on speaking. The thing is like this, i had send a mail to the person in charge to solve the thing,however,the project suppose to be highlight early,but unfortunately with limited manpower,i actually late to do so,around 2 week or more then that.
When the top management,let called it A, A was replying the mail[he not the person in charge but the manager of the area] by saying i am doing my job way too far from the date the thing should be highlighted.When ever he send the mail,he had reach my department and talk about the issue.Damn, it was seriously shit stuff for me. And the same time my bos was there and another colleague. A ask for the reason,and i answer some with reasonable answer and some i think reckless answer and my colleague also stun with my answer, i think my bos will be shock when i talking in that way~ I just try be honest and i think i just make a mistake for it. I tell him that i hard to promise him on certain thing because thing not easy as he think[he like simply way], and i told him that i not believe on my own staff on doing their duty of work,the KPI of them low, and he question me that i not trust them,and my answer for that was yes. I think probably on that time, my bos and my colleague get stun with my answer. Meaning that my bos not doing her duty to take good training on us, i was actually accuse my bos that she not doing her job properly. I think she may piss off abit,yeah ~ human get emotion, so am i ,that why i reckless.
Right now i really feeling not that good for the thing that he want us to do with our limited manpower and thing beyond he know.
I think A will totally will not put big hope on me anymore ???? :(
Sad work day~
OMG!!!!~! I just not feel balance !! i am so UNBLANCE!!!!!~
When the top management,let called it A, A was replying the mail[he not the person in charge but the manager of the area] by saying i am doing my job way too far from the date the thing should be highlighted.When ever he send the mail,he had reach my department and talk about the issue.Damn, it was seriously shit stuff for me. And the same time my bos was there and another colleague. A ask for the reason,and i answer some with reasonable answer and some i think reckless answer and my colleague also stun with my answer, i think my bos will be shock when i talking in that way~ I just try be honest and i think i just make a mistake for it. I tell him that i hard to promise him on certain thing because thing not easy as he think[he like simply way], and i told him that i not believe on my own staff on doing their duty of work,the KPI of them low, and he question me that i not trust them,and my answer for that was yes. I think probably on that time, my bos and my colleague get stun with my answer. Meaning that my bos not doing her duty to take good training on us, i was actually accuse my bos that she not doing her job properly. I think she may piss off abit,yeah ~ human get emotion, so am i ,that why i reckless.
Right now i really feeling not that good for the thing that he want us to do with our limited manpower and thing beyond he know.
I think A will totally will not put big hope on me anymore ???? :(
Sad work day~
OMG!!!!~! I just not feel balance !! i am so UNBLANCE!!!!!~
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Good or bad? :s
Well this is my current status, my total starter $ is RM3500, will make it to RM5000 ,after that not plan to put more $$ but earn from it and use those profit to make more , people call it money find money, that why RM5000 fair enough, If i can use RM5000 to generate another RM5000, i will be very very happy, if i got such ability la ~ XDDD wait and see :) You can see what i earn and what i loss at the moment. will write more but now office hour ,opsss... to be continues...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
都很懒惰的没写blog了~~~ 朋友的生日的东东也懒惰upload了~~
虽然是这样,但是这也难道是别人说的 熊来了?还是这是时候进场了[别人恐惧,我捡便宜]
可是手头上的现金都不多,没什么钱了~ :( 只好等下个月出粮把~
前几天也在一位名为 歪歪的blog看到她用的那个software (JStock),看来不错~用来记录买卖的股票~不错用酱,只是要每次自己update下咯,也好拉,至少我可以看到那个记录~
我的本钱小,所以赚的不多,但至少现在纸上盈利是有的,真是多亏了 这只reit ~ :) 虽然我的股票没有一个有派利息,但是看到纸上没亏已经偷笑了~
下一个将会进RM500 到RM1000 以内买多一个来做短期投机~有看法吗?
虽然是这样,但是这也难道是别人说的 熊来了?还是这是时候进场了[别人恐惧,我捡便宜]
可是手头上的现金都不多,没什么钱了~ :( 只好等下个月出粮把~
前几天也在一位名为 歪歪的blog看到她用的那个software (JStock),看来不错~用来记录买卖的股票~不错用酱,只是要每次自己update下咯,也好拉,至少我可以看到那个记录~
我的本钱小,所以赚的不多,但至少现在纸上盈利是有的,真是多亏了 这只reit ~ :) 虽然我的股票没有一个有派利息,但是看到纸上没亏已经偷笑了~
下一个将会进RM500 到RM1000 以内买多一个来做短期投机~有看法吗?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
有人留言说, 不要用工存钱,要用功找钱就好~可是我找钱能力有限,不像其他人爽爽可以挥洒几千几千来~而且如果你月入10千,用完10千,意义在那?
她的话把我推了一下,我也希望我可以放开来玩~可惜现实嘛~ 有点困难但是还是可以久久去玩一次的~
所以明年5月中左右会跟同事一起去越南游~~~我也在想越南游后,我想自己一个人去泰国还有日本~算算这些费用也要10k~~所以存个10k ,也希望买股票可以套下利,不用多,有赚几百块都可以,进进出出做个 ‘为旅游费投机的短期玩家’ [如果有多余的钱的话+ 投机心态]~
她的话把我推了一下,我也希望我可以放开来玩~可惜现实嘛~ 有点困难但是还是可以久久去玩一次的~
所以明年5月中左右会跟同事一起去越南游~~~我也在想越南游后,我想自己一个人去泰国还有日本~算算这些费用也要10k~~所以存个10k ,也希望买股票可以套下利,不用多,有赚几百块都可以,进进出出做个 ‘为旅游费投机的短期玩家’ [如果有多余的钱的话+ 投机心态]~
Monday, September 10, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Yesterday buy in Amfirst Reit at Rm1.060 x 1100
but that the early i was plan to get at Rm1.050....but i keep wait and wait..i bek tahan liao ..so just buy in with Rm1.060...but is this price consider high??if it go lower,should i buy in more? the main aim i buy this is to get passive income..so i think the unit price not really affect me???? well..wait and see :)
btw,if anyone know about reit,please leave a comment, i need answer for some question ..
1)how reit give dividend?
2)when reit give dividend?monthly? quarterly?yearly?
3)how to check if it pay dividend?
4)in what form i will get the dividend?cash/check/transfer at my trading accout?
5)i using a direct account,which mean i need do everything myself if got any dividend distribution?
i think i got sumore question but cant recall yet...
more will ask soon,some some visitor can answer for me ,thank you~
but that the early i was plan to get at Rm1.050....but i keep wait and wait..i bek tahan liao ..so just buy in with Rm1.060...but is this price consider high??if it go lower,should i buy in more? the main aim i buy this is to get passive income..so i think the unit price not really affect me???? well..wait and see :)
btw,if anyone know about reit,please leave a comment, i need answer for some question ..
1)how reit give dividend?
2)when reit give dividend?monthly? quarterly?yearly?
3)how to check if it pay dividend?
4)in what form i will get the dividend?cash/check/transfer at my trading accout?
5)i using a direct account,which mean i need do everything myself if got any dividend distribution?
i think i got sumore question but cant recall yet...
more will ask soon,some some visitor can answer for me ,thank you~
Monday, September 3, 2012
三天假期第二章- 电影《甲洞》之首映之首映
最后也随便穿去了[这样的穿着也是我上班的样子 :( ]
最近马导演执导的mv 也入围娱协奖最佳MV,希望他一马当头,越来越厉害,为大马争光~
这位妞就是武术指导的妹妹,也是也很厉害的演员哦,如果你有收看ntv7 的《雨过天晴》的话就有机会看到她了,是个很38,很好人,很不错的朋友,感恩阿
我亲爱的维山哥,感谢当初收留我在你家,第二天载我去拍摄[没他戏份当天] 真的很感激,给你muakzz~~ 哈哈
感恩他们还记得我 Hero 戴祖雄还有Melvin 谢佳剑
小插曲小插曲,我遇到我小时候的女生了{shy} ,跟她拍照时我都兴奋得不得了但是我没把我的兴奋表现出来,只是在过后傻笑一下而且,从小就看她,真的又爽到~
Sense & Style 的化妆老师,是为很好人很可爱的老师哦
久仰的大导演何宇恒,自从 Nasi Lemak 2.0后,这是第二次再看到他了
这位美女就是周杰伦最新的 J女郎了~~~ Agnes,可惜跟她不熟,而且也是在杀青那天才认识到她的,所以我们可以讲是0 交流~希望可以多接触拉,有机会的话~
来给力下这位很矮的lengzai,他就是负责武术指导的拉 aka Yin仔~ 感恩他的教导~感恩他带我去cast别的戏[虽然后来有电话打来我不得空拒绝了演,看来被黑名单了以后都没电话打给去我了]
怎样都好,对于我这个普通人,没有才艺,上班族~ 我真的感恩于马导演给于的机会~感恩大家的帮助,感恩感恩~
也感恩于这位大老板,他就是Sense&style的创办人 Sunny Ng,他加我facebook,我真的吓倒下因为我不过是个普通人,为什么加我的,我对任何人来讲应该都没什么利益把?别把我看错,我不过是个平凡人而且~感恩拉~
也感恩于这位大老板,他就是Sense&style的创办人 Sunny Ng,他加我facebook,我真的吓倒下因为我不过是个普通人,为什么加我的,我对任何人来讲应该都没什么利益把?别把我看错,我不过是个平凡人而且~感恩拉~
最后要补上在来临的9月13号请大家买票进场看这部本地制作的电影 《甲洞》 谢谢~
p/s:阿牛的《金童玉女》也支持下把 因为我也有演[k ler fer ] ~
Sunday, September 2, 2012
This time i use chinese since i not really earn from blogging[ dunkw how to put the ads]
8月31号-Ipoh 一日游~

拜访了道地的庙后,才出发去我们的目的地~ Lost World~

这一趟花费个人大概Rm110 左右~[如果扣除去lost world的话,会跟便宜]
这一天,汗与累,欢喜与朋友~ 开心 :)
8月31号-Ipoh 一日游~
拜访了道地的庙后,才出发去我们的目的地~ Lost World~
lost world的蓝图,看来者的很多可以玩,但是冒险的活动要另外给钱的,但大致上都不错,有很美的风景但是忙于玩水忘了拍下来
这一天,汗与累,欢喜与朋友~ 开心 :)
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