Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Finally sold my BJFOOD ~ aiksss ...a bit regret to sold it but still ok ,just a bit regret because when end market ,it close at 1.33 lol..[i sold at 1.320]
But nvm,i still earn back around 38% of the net. :)

Overall for what i had sold , i get  more then 500 earn back.

Now currently what i still got in my hand~ -

So far i havent lost my $$ but still worry ~ because some1 tell me that learn before you fly else u die ~
you may happy with your current earn but my basic not good,is matter of time i `

worry worry~~~ some1 can teach me ? :)
i know you may can be my partner to teach me ??? lonely boy?? XD


  1. lol.. i also waiting die when see my scomi stock~

  2. scomi mother share, no dare buyw warrent cause duno how play~
