Thursday, August 30, 2012

Someone say if you want your blog to be view by many people and can earn some $$ , you need to write your blog in english ...erm....actually i prefer chinese because it more sexy way ~ XDD
anyway what i going to share today is about my shares again...yes~

5196 BJFood 

RM1.180 -high

RM1.160-last [30/8/2012]

as you know that the price when i purchase was less then RM1.00 which is RM0.94...
as long it stick up to RM1.00,i still can earn few ten ringgit +-... but my mind on this shares was long hold[投资 mind] but my action keep pushing me go to [投机 mind] which is sell it earn the $$ first, some1 say is compounding?? really ? or it was 投机 ......??? somehow i still confusing~~~
is it good to sell and earn some hundred buck to cover up my another  投机股?which is the Biosis[ buy at RM0.405] buy at high price T.T and sell the Biosis to reduce the loss?People say when the shares loss around 20%,should sell it,izzzit true about it ? 

but i feel to keep because i was waiting it go crazy~~ is really true about people always give hope themself to believe the shares will grow again,but maybe it will go down and down and never see how deep it can go too.... 
no matter what ~~i hope everything will be ok....
Next week will put another 500-1000 to my trading accout so that got $$ to it no much left after buy BJFOOD and BIOSIS[inital RM1.5k] 

hope when my next $$ in, will thinking go for some reit...but which reit to in...must think twice,[still dunkw how to see the dividend stuff ] T.T hope some1 can teach me ~~

So happy that tomorrow will going Ipoh 1 day trip ,and on saturday will got watch for very first time which people call it 首映, the movie name 'Kepong' aka  甲洞 which will on whole malaysia cineme coming 13 september !!~ Please do support the movie that i got act in ..:) THANK YOU!!~

Friday, August 24, 2012

My Shares Status.


current price RM1.050  [24/8/2012]

buying price RM0.94 [+7.14%]

So happy to see it grow but still cant sell it ,because how long it can be go ? sumore i buy in 10 lot(1000) only..earn also earn less... now is my issue,keep or sell? wat is my mind right now,be a long term or a short term? be 投资or 投机??
Or should i put more $$ when it go down again???
more or less,i dunkw how to read  result,where got get resource of those information. i still got lot to learn, i need a mentor... because i still alone,so most of the time i will refer to people, get idea from other. [more like follow other people step] . but hopefully i will follow the right person la. ;)


current price RM0.365 [24/8/2012]

buying price RM0.405 [-2.67%]

result of 投机, i never check any detail of this company and just put 10 lot(1000) to test my luck,beginning i was do it like gamble~~ go down and down..hopefully it grow again when some1 try to 'goreng' it.
Another issue here, what attitude i should put on this kind situation ,sell it or hold until it grow? but most people will say hold and wait it grow again, but seen like it drop the thing,people not intend to lose,so their keep believe once day, the price will grow and able to sell on the good price.[ people don't like to lose $$;people believe miracle] 
i think i will keep. until it grow back, if i really lose,then so be it,let it be a lesson to me not try to gamble, it was risky and hopefully is my last time to do like this also. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

现在是资本主义的世界,不管你好看不好看,好人不好人,你有钱就是王道,所有很多都在寻找赚钱的机会,寻找可以发达的机会,寻找少付出多收入的东西,人也变的no money no talk,其实这样对吗?还是错? 见仁见智把~


存款 : 1) RM500 ( 银行1-只进不出)
           2) RM400  ( 银行2-流动户口)
           3) RM600 ( 银行3-投资)
           4)新币 198$

股票 : RM1500-
 拥有两个股票- a)投资BJFOOD - RM0.940 x 1000 shares= Rm965.00-services charge忘了多少
                            b)投机BIOSIS -RM0.405 x 1000 shares= RM425.00-services charge忘了多少

HL退休计划: 每半年给RM948.33(10年)-(给了1年半- RM2844.99)

零钱:不详 (每天存RM1 - RM2 )


父亲借的:RM2600 (预了收不回)
朋友借的:RM230( 预料也可能拿不回)
PTPTN : Rm4500左右~

 因为最近买了一部相机 RM1100,所以在银行2的村款少了好多~
但是我很怕我的未来会比现在差,年纪一年比一年大,资本也一年比一年多,问题是资本增加的速度太慢了,就好像大家讲的deflation , 所以我必须改变自己用钱的习惯~ 

不买不需要的,吃饱的不吃贵的,少出门~这些都要做到才可以~ 把多余的钱放进股票,希望可以透过股票找些多余的钱~ 毕竟工作的收入只有一份,我必须要有个被动收入( passive income) 才可以,股票是我唯一以低本的方式赚取被动收入~ 可是这被动收入需要有智慧才可以得到,还需要多多学习股票~可是我很笨,学了不明,不明究忘了,明了也忘了,而且那些公司的statement,算术根本就是要我命~辛苦啦,所以投资还是投机,希望恰到位,不要贪,跟对人,慢慢来,还是有机会的~:)

如平时一样,写东西不写标题~ ;) 


Sunday, August 19, 2012

股票的开始~Start with shares~

Finally open a trading account, at early that i was thinking to open with HLB,however the branch was far and hard for me to be guide what to do,so i go for CIMB which is more ease for me. The services given by CIMB was seriously good, the lady who attend me was good and professional well, and i really love it .

I had started my capital at Rm1500 and had purchase two shares, BJFOOD and Biosis~

to be continues ~~